Composed by:glichery
The p**ping that I spit
Break tricks
I’m a play a fool
Penny for south
******* on the track
While my shawty shawty shawty
The p**ping that I spit
Break tricks
I’m a play a fool
Penny for south
******* on the track
While my shawty shawty shawty
The p**ping that I spit
Break tricks
I’m a play a fool
Penny for south
******* on the track
While my shawty shawty shawty
The p**ping that I spit
Break tricks
I’m a play a fool
Penny for south
******* on the track
While my shawty shawty shawty
Checking out my trap mane
H*es dropping cheese
Then I hit the crap out
Shaking the crew knocking dimple thots
Living up yo my stile
Matter fact I’m walking with this dice game
Quick to smack a *****
Don’t shout my dollars
The p**ping that I spit
Break tricks
I’m a play a fool
Penny for south
Bit*he’s on the track
While my shawty shawty shawty
The p**ping that I spit
Break tricks
I’m a play a fool
Penny for south
******* on the track
While my shawty shawty shawty
The p**ping that I spit
Break tricks
I’m a play a fool
Penny for south
******* on the track
While my shawty shawty shawty
The p**ping that I spit
Break tricks
I’m a play a fool
Penny for south
******* on the track
While my shawty shawty shawty
山雨音乐 » Glichery《Sea Of Problems (Explicit)》[FLAC/MP3]
山雨音乐 » Glichery《Sea Of Problems (Explicit)》[FLAC/MP3]
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