Taylor Swift/Maren Morris《You All Over Me》[FLAC/MP3]

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Once the last drop of rain has dried off the pavement

当路面的最后一滴雨水干涸 消失不见

Shouldn’t I find a stain but I never do

我是否该发现些许残留的痕迹 但我不曾察觉

The way the tires turn stones on old county roads


They leave ’em muddy underneath reminds me of you

独留一地泥泞 却让我不禁想起了你

You find graffiti on the walls of old bathroom stalls


You know you can scratch it right off it’s how we used to be

你知道吗 你能决绝的抹去 亦如我们的曾经

But like the dollar in your pocket that’s been spent and traded in

所谓的深情 亦如你口袋的钱币 太过廉价

You can’t change where it’s been reminds me of me

你无法改变我 只会让我更加清晰认识自己

I lived and I learned had you got burned

放肆过 领悟过 拥有过 亦被伤害过

Held out and held on

不屈倔强过 也苦苦坚持过

God knows too long and wasted time

天可怜鉴 虚度多少光阴

Lost tears swore that I’d get out of here

忆起曾倾洒的泪水 心里暗自发誓定要逃离

But no amount of freedom gets you clean

就算我获得片刻自由 也无法真正摆脱你

I’ve still got you all over me

你仍占据我心底 如影随形

The best and the worst day of June


Was the one that I met you


With your hands in your pockets


And your “don’t you wish you had me” grin


But I did so I smiled and I melted like a child

当时的我以笑回应 如孩童般心花怒放

Now every breath of air I breathe reminds me of then


And I lived and I learned had you got burned

放肆过 领悟过 拥有过 亦被伤害过

Held out and held on

不屈倔强过 也苦苦坚持过

God knows too long and wasted time

天可怜鉴 虚度多少光阴

Lost tears swore that I’d get out of here

忆起曾倾洒的泪水 心里暗自发誓定要逃离

But no amount of freedom gets you clean

就算我获得片刻自由 也无法真正摆脱你

I’ve still got you all over me

你仍盘踞在我脑海 无处不在

I lived and I learned and found out what it was to turn around

肆意活过才幡然醒悟 终发现已是覆水难收

And see that we were never really meant to be


So I lied and I cried and I watched a part of myself die

所以我自欺欺人 黯然落泪 眼睁睁地看着自己一点点走向毁灭

‘Cause no amount of freedom gets you clean

因为就算我获得片刻自由 但也无法真正摆脱你

I’ve still got you all over me

你仍占据我心底 如影随形

I’ve still got you all over me

你仍占据我心底 如影随形

I’ve still got you all over me

你仍占据我心底 如影随形


山雨音乐 » Taylor Swift/Maren Morris《You All Over Me》[FLAC/MP3]


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