Taylor Swift《Enchanted》[FLAC/MP3]

钻石免费 永久钻石免费


There I was again tonight forcing laughter faking smiles

今夜旧戏重演 故作笑声 强装笑颜

Same old tired lonely place


Walls of insincerity


Shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face

目光流离内心空虚 然后就只见你的脸

All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you

而我只能说 遇见你 我深感荣幸

Your eyes whispered have we met

你眼低语 我们见过

Across the room your silhouette starts to make its way to me

屋子那头你的轮廓 开始朝向我这边来

The playful conversation starts


Counter all your quick remarks like passing notes in secrecy

你我应答如流 就如同悄悄递传纸条般

And it was enchanting to meet you

遇见你 我身中魔咒

All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you

而我只能说 遇见你 我深感荣幸

This night is sparkling don’t you let it go

今夜星光满天 你怎能就这么放手?

I’m wonderstruck blushing all the way home

我惊讶万分 一路羞答往家跑

I’ll spend forever wondering if you knew

情愿用一生 猜你可知否

I was enchanted to meet you

遇见你 我身中魔咒

The lingering question kept me up


2 am who do you love


I wonder till I’m wide awake


And now I’m pacing back and forth wishing you were at my door

我在屋里踱去踱来 希望你就在房门外

I’d open up and you would say “Hey”


It was enchanting to meet you

遇见你 我深感荣幸

All I know is I was enchanted to meet you

而我只能说 遇见你 我深感荣幸

This night is sparkling don’t you let it go

今夜星光满天 你怎能就这么放手?

I’m wonderstruck blushing all the way home

我惊讶万分 一路羞答往家跑

I’ll spend forever wondering if you knew

情愿用一生 猜你可知否

This night is flawless don’t you let it go

今夜美无瑕 你怎能就这么放手?

I’m wonderstruck dancing around all alone

我惊讶万分 一人转着圈儿跳

I’ll spend forever wondering if you knew

情愿用一生 猜你可知否

I was enchanted to meet you

遇见你 我身中魔咒

This is me praying that this was the very first page

请你听我祈祷 这是翻开的第一页

Not where the story line ends


My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again

你的名字荡漾脑海 直到某天再见到你

These are the words I held back as I was leaving too soon

有句话我没说出来 因为当时急着要走

I was enchanted to meet you

遇见你 我身中魔咒

Please don’t be in love with someone else

可不可以 不要再和他人坠入爱河

Please don’t have somebody waiting on you

可不可以 不要再让某人为你守候

Please don’t be in love with someone else

可不可以 不要再和他人坠入爱河

Please don’t have somebody waiting on you

可不可以 不要再让某人为你守候

This night is sparkling don’t you let it go

今夜星光满天 你怎能就这么放手?

I’m wonderstruck blushing all the way home

我惊讶万分 一路羞答往家跑

I’ll spend forever wondering if you knew

情愿用一生 猜你可知否

This night is flawless don’t you let it go

今夜美无瑕 你怎能就这么放手?

I’m wonderstruck dancing around all alone

我惊讶万分 一人转着圈儿跳

I’ll spend forever wondering if you knew

情愿用一生 猜你可知否

I was enchanted to meet you

遇见你 我身中魔咒

Please don’t be in love with someone else

可不可以 不要再和他人坠入爱河

Please don’t have somebody waiting on you

可不可以 不要再让某人为你守候


山雨音乐 » Taylor Swift《Enchanted》[FLAC/MP3]


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