I walked through the door with you the air was cold
我们踏门而入的那天 空气冰凉凉的
But somethin’ ’bout it felt like home somehow
不知为何 我却感到无比温暖
And I left my scarf there at your sister’s house
我无意间将自己的红色围巾 遗落在你姐姐家
And you’ve still got it in your drawer even now
直至现在 它仍放在你的抽屉里
Oh your sweet disposition and my wide-eyed gaze
We’re singin’ in the car getting lost upstate
我们在车内高歌 沉溺于北方之旅
Autumn leaves fallin’ down like pieces into place
秋日的落叶 片片飘落至地
And I can picture it after all these days
时隔多年 我仍能在记忆中完整拼凑那幅画面
And I know it’s long gone and
That magic’s not here no more
And I might be okay but I’m not fine at all
或许时间会冲淡一切 但我仍无法忘却
Oh oh oh
‘Causе there we arе again on that little town street
时间回溯到小镇 你我初次邂逅的街头
You almost ran the red ’cause you were lookin’ over at me
你双眸中映着我的身影 忘却时间流转
Wind in my hair I was there
I remember it all too well
Photo album on the counter your cheeks were turnin’ red
柜台上的相册里 泛着红晕脸颊的你
You used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin-sized bed
你那时还是戴着眼镜 乖巧躺在床上的懵懂男孩
And your mother’s tellin’ stories ’bout you on the tee-ball team
你的妈妈讲述着 你曾在棒球队的故事
You taught me ’bout your past thinkin’ your future was me
你对我倾诉着过往 幻想着我们的未来
And you were tossing me the car keys “f**k the patriarchy”
你将车钥匙随意扔在我怀中 父系社会的象征
Keychain on the ground we were always skippin’ town
被掷于我们脚下 一起逃离小镇 远走高飞
And I was thinkin’ on the drive down “Any time now
He’s gonna say it’s love” you never called it what it was
你总是将所有行为 附上爱的承诺 但我却从未感受其真实存在
‘Til we were dead and gone and buried
直到我们逝去 记忆消融于灰烬
Check the pulse and come back swearin’ it’s the same
许诺时的心跳声 也充斥着谎言
After three months in the grave
And then you wondered where it went to as I reached for you
你思索着这份爱为何会走到如此地步 我想吐露真心时
But all I felt was shame and you held my lifeless frame
却又满怀愧疚 你夺走我炽热的心 怀拥着空洞躯壳
And I know it’s long gone and
There was nothing else I could do
And I forget about you long enough
To forget why I needed to
‘Cause there we are again in the middle of the night
We’re dancin’ ’round the kitchen in the refrigerator light
Down the stairs I was there
楼下转角处的台阶 我记忆犹新
I remember it all too well
And there we are again when nobody had to know
你我情感生长 在无人知晓的角落
You kept me like a secret but I kept you like an oath
我被你束于秘密阁楼 我却将誓言置于己心
Sacred prayer and we’d swear
To remember it all too well
And maybe we got lost in translation maybe I asked for too much
或许世事无常 我们失去理智 或许是我在感情中渴求太多
Maybe this thing was a masterpiece ’til you tore it all up
可是我们曾被称为天作之合 直到你亲手摧毁这一切美好
Runnin’ scared I was there
I remember it all too well
And you call me up again just to break me like a promise
熟悉的电话声再次响起 却将我轻而易举地破碎
So casually cruel in the name of bein’ honest
你借以诚实姿态 将我推入绝境
I’m a crumpled-up piece of paper lyin’ here
‘Cause I remember it all all all
They say all’s well that ends well but I’m in a new hell
世人常言 相爱之人 终成眷属 过往点滴浮现脑海 令我深陷炼狱
Every time you double-cross my mind
曾为爱情沉沦的心 烙印着你的戏言
You said if we had been closer in age maybe it would’ve been fine
你说如果年龄相近 或许结局会更好 或许我会屈服于 这无法抗拒的事实
And that made me want to die
无能为力的年纪 将我折磨得痛不欲生
The idea you had of me who was she
A never-needy ever-lovely jewel whose shine reflects on you
是一颗不需要呵护与陪伴 只为衬托你闪耀的宝石吗
Not weepin’ in a party bathroom
Some actress askin’ me what happened you
女演员们对我关怀备至的问候 而你
That’s what happened you
You who charmed my dad with self-effacing jokes
Sippin’ coffee like you’re on a late-night show
啜饮着咖啡 像在深夜秀般散发魅力
But then he watched me watch the front door all night willin’ you to come
生日那晚 我苦苦守候在门口 期许你的现身
And he said “It’s supposed to be fun turning twenty-one”
父亲曾说 二十一岁的生活将会更加有趣
Time won’t fly it’s like I’m paralyzed by it
我陷入漫长等待 时间在此刻停滞
I’d like to be my old self again but I’m still tryin’ to find it
想找回原本的自我 却难觅踪影
After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own
纵使是穿格子衬衫 相伴左右的日夜
Now you mail back my things and I walk home alone
你寄回我残存的记忆 孤身返回家中
But you keep my old scarf from that very first week
你却保留着 初次见面时的红色围巾
‘Cause it reminds you of innocence and it smells like me
You can’t get rid of it
‘Cause you remember it all too well
‘Cause there we are again when I loved you so
Back before you lost the one real thing you’ve ever known
It was rare I was there
I remember it all too well
Wind in my hair you were there
风捎来你的气韵 沾染于发丝
You remember it all
Down the stairs you were there
楼下转角处 轻触唇边的吻
You remember it all
It was rare I was there
I remember it all too well
And I was never good at tellin’ jokes but the punch line goes
我不擅长说笑 但令我心生可笑的是
“I’ll get older but your lovers stay my age”
我会逐渐老去 而你的每个爱人将永远年轻
From when your Brooklyn broke my skin and bones
自从布鲁克林 你将我伤害得遍体鳞伤后
I’m a soldier who’s returning half her weight
我像是失去灵魂的士兵 憔悴难语
And did the twin flame bruise paint you blue
炙热焰火下 是否映出你的内心忧郁
Just between us did the love affair maim you too
彼此间的爱恋 是否也曾令你哀痛
‘Cause in this city’s barren cold
I still remember the first fall of snow
And how it glistened as it fell
雪花落入手心 短暂晶莹的时刻
I remember it all too well
时至今日 我仍记忆犹新
Just between us did the love affair maim you all too well
这份沉重的爱 是否让你疲惫不堪
Just between us do you remember it all too well
这弥足珍贵的缘 是否值得你回忆
Just between us I remember it
All too well
Just between us I remember it
我只想知晓你的真心话 因为我从未释怀
Wind in my hair I was there I was there
I was there
Down the stairs I was there I was there
I was there
Sacred prayer I was there I was there
双手合十时 虔诚的祈祷
It was rare you remember it all too well
Wind in my hair I was there I was there
Down the stairs I was there I was there
I was there
Sacred prayer I was there I was there
曾小心翼翼 许下的承诺
It was rare you remember it
All too well
Wind in my hair I was there I was there
Down the stairs I was there I was there
Sacred prayer I was there I was there
It was rare you remember it
你一直都记得 回响我青春的炙爱
山雨音乐 » Taylor Swift《All Too Well (Sad Girl Autumn Version)》[FLAC/MP3]
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