I know that you like me
And it’s kinda frightenin’ standin’ here waitin’, waitin’
然而漫长等待 令我心生焦虑
And I became hypnotized by freckles and bright eyes, tongue-tied
被你的明眸和雀斑所吸引 我顿时语塞
But now you’re so far away and I’m down
而此刻你我相隔甚远 我就犹如
Feelin’ like a face in the crowd
I’m reachin’ for you, terrified
我惊慌失措 探寻着你的踪影
‘Cause you could be the one that I love
I could be the one that you dream of
我也本该是你 魂牵梦萦之人
A message in a bottle is all I can do
而现在 我唯有期盼着那
Standin’ here, hopin’ it gets to you
You could be the one that I keep, and I
I could be the reason you can’t sleep at night
而你 也本会因我 彻夜难眠
A message in a bottle is all I can do
而现在 我唯有期盼着那
Standin’ here, hopin’ it gets to you
These days I’m restless
Workdays are endless, look how you made me, made me
无止境工作着 看我对你思念成疾
But time moves faster, replaying your laughter, disaster
而时光飞逝 你笑声犹在耳畔 于我而言却是灾难
‘Cause now you’re so far away and I’m down
而此刻你我相隔甚远 我就犹如
Feelin’ like a face in the crowd
I’m reachin’ for you, terrified, ’cause
我惊慌失措 探寻着你的踪影
‘Cause you could be the one that I love
I could be the one that you dream of
我也本该是你 魂牵梦萦之人
A message in a bottle is all I can do
而现在 我唯有期盼着那
Standin’ here, hopin’ it gets to you (It gets to you)
You could be the one that I keep, and I (I)
I could be the reason you can’t sleep at night (At night)
而你 也本会因我 彻夜难眠
A message in a bottle is all I can do
而现在 我唯有期盼着那
Standin’ here, hopin’ it gets to you
I know-know-know that you li-li-like me-me
我深知-深知-深知 你爱-爱-爱着 我-我
Bri-bright eyes, tongue-tied
看着你的明-明眸 我顿时语塞
I know-know-know that you li-li-like me-me
我深知-深知-深知 你爱-爱-爱着 我-我
Bri-bright eyes, tongue-tied (tongue-tied)
看着你的明-明眸 我顿时语塞 (我顿时语塞)
You could be the one that I love, mm-mm
And now I’m standin’ here, hopin’ it gets to you
而如今 我唯有盼着 漂流瓶能将消息 传递给你
‘Cause you could be the one that I love (Yeah, yeah)
I could be the one that you dream of
我也本该是你 魂牵梦萦之人
A message in a bottle is all I can do
而现在 我唯有期盼着那
Standin’ here, hopin’ it gets to you (It gets to you)
You could be the one that I keep, and I
I could be the reason you can’t sleep at night (You can’t sleep at night)
而你 也本会因我 彻夜难眠
A message in a bottle is all I can do (Yeah, yeah)
而现在 我唯有期盼着那
Standin’ here, hopin’ it gets to you (Yeah, yeah)
You could be the one that I love
You could be the one that I love, I love
本能同你 深陷爱河
And now I’m standin’ here, hopin’ this gets to you
而如今 我唯有盼着 漂流瓶能将消息 传递给你
山雨音乐 » Taylor Swift《Message In A Bottle (Fat Max G Remix) 》[FLAC/MP3]
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