O Carolina creeks
Running through my veins
Lost I was born
Lonesome I came
Lonesome I’ll always stay
Carolina knows
Why for years I roam
Free as these birds
Light as whispers
Carolina knows
And you didn’t see me here
No, they never did see me here
And she’s in my dreams
Into the mist, into the clouds
Don’t leave
I make a fist, I make it count
And there are places I will never ever go
And things that only Carolina will ever know
Carolina stains
On the dress she left
Indelible scars
Pivotal marks
Blue as the life she fled
Carolina pines
Won’t you cover me?
Hide me like robes
Down the back road
Muddy these webs we weave
And you didn’t see me here
No, they never did see me
And she’s in my dreams
Into the mist, into the clouds
Don’t leave
I make a fist, I make it count
And there are places I will never ever go
And things that only Carolina will ever know
And you didn’t see me here
They never did see me here
No, you didn’t see me here
They never saw me
O Carolina knows
Why for years they’ve said
That I was quilty as sin
And sleep in a liar’s bed
But the sleep comes fast
And I’ll meet no ghosts
It’s between me
The sand and the sea
Carolina knows
山雨音乐 » Taylor Swift《 Carolina》(From The Motion Picture “Where The Crawdads Sing”)[FLAC/MP3]
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