Feeling me baby
Give it up give it up
This could be something ain’t enough Ain’t enough
Feeling me baby
Give it up give it up
This could be something ain’t enough
I know you been feeling me baby
Won’t you give it up
And we both know that this could be something
But that ain’t enough
‘Cause when the leaves are falling down
Are falling down
I need to see you’ll be around Be around
I gotta know that you’ll be there
Give it up give it up
You gotta show me that you care
Ain’t enough Ain’t enough
I gotta know that you’ll be there
Give it up give it up
You gotta show me that you care ain’t enough
Feeling me baby
Give it up give it up
This could be something ain’t enough Ain’t enough
Feeling me baby
Give it up give it up
This could be something ain’t enough Ain’t enough
I gotta know that you’ll be there
Give it up give it up
You gotta show me that you care
Ain’t enough Ain’t enough
I gotta know that you’ll be there give it up
You gotta show me that you care ain’t enough
山雨音乐 » Max Oazo《Feeling Me (The Distance & Igi Remix)》[FLAC/MP3]
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