ViRa《Don\’t Cha (Ht Boss Remix)》[FLAC/MP3]

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Ladies, let’s go (Uhh)

Okay (Ahh), yeah (Ahh)

Oh, we about to get it

Just a lil’ hot and sweaty in this motherf**ker (Ooh, baby)

Ladies, let’s go (Uhh), soldiers, let’s go (Dolls)

Let me talk to y’all and just, you know

Give you a little situation… listen (Fellas)

You see this sh*t get hot, every time I come through

When I step up in the spot (Are you ready?)

Make the place sizzle like a summertime cookout

Prowl for the best chick, yes, I’m on the lookout (Let’s dance)

Slow bangin’ shorty like a belly dancer with it

Smell good, pretty skin, so gangsta with it (Ooh, baby)

No tricks, only diamonds under my sleeve

Gimme the number, but make sure you call before you leave

I know you like me (I know you like me)

I know you do (I know you do)

That’s why whenever I come around, she’s all over you

And I know you want it (I know you want it)

It’s easy to see (It’s easy to see)

And in the back of your mind

I know you should be ****in’ with me (Ahh)

Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was hot

Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was a freak

Don’t cha?

Fight the feeling (Fight the feeling)

Leave it alone (Leave it alone)

‘Cause if it ain’t love

It just ain’t enough to leave a happy home (Uh-uh, uh-uh)

Let’s keep it friendly (Let’s keep it friendly)

You have to play fair (You have to play fair, yeah)

See, I don’t care

But I know, she ain’t gon’ wanna share (Ah, ah-ah)

Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? (Oh)

Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me? (Like me)

Baby I got some

Okay, I see how it’s goin’

Alright, sing

Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me? (Raw)

Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me? (Big fun)

Don’t cha? (Ah-ah-ah)

(Okay, I see how it’s goin’ down

Seem like shorty wanna little ménage pop off or somethin’

Let’s go)

Well, let me get straight to it

Every broad wanna watch a nigga when I come through it

It’s the God almighty, lookin’ all brand new

If shorty wanna jump in my Aston Vanquish

Lookin’ at me all like she really wanna do it

Tryna put it on me ’til my balls black and blueish

You wanna play with a player, girl, then play on

Strip out the Chanel and leave the lingerie on (Ha)

Ladies, let’s go


山雨音乐 » ViRa《Don\’t Cha (Ht Boss Remix)》[FLAC/MP3]


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