F*****g in a car, shooting h****n
Saying controversial things just for the hell of it
Selling melanin and then suffocate the black men
Start with misdemeanours and we’ll make a business out of them
And we can find out the information
Access all the applications that are hardening positions based on miscommunication
Oh! **** your feelings!
Truth is only hearsay!
We’re just left to decay!
Modernity has failed us
And I’d love it if we made it
Yes, I’d love it if we made it
Yes, I’d love it if we made it
Yes, I’d love it if we made it
And poison me daddy
I got the Jones right through my bones
Write it on a piece of stone
A beach of drowning 3 year olds
Rest in peace Lil Peep
The poetry is in the streets
Jesus save us!
Modernity has failed us
And I’d love it if we made it
Yes, I’d love it if we made it
Yes, I’d love it if we made it
Yes, I’d love it if we made it
And I’d love it if we made it
And I’d love it if we made it
And I’d love it if we made it
I’d love it if we made it
Tell me something I didn’t know
Fossil fuelling
Liberal kitsch
Kneeling on a pitch
“I moved on her like a *****!”
Excited to be indicted
Unrequited house with seven pools
“Thank you Kanye, very cool!”
The war has been incited and guess what, you’re all invited
And you’re famous
Modernity has failed us
And I’d love it if we made it
And I’d love it if we made it
And I’d love it if we made it
Tell me something I didn’t know
And I’d love it if we made it
And I’d love it if we made it
And I’d love it if we made it
And I’d love it if we made it
山雨音乐 » The 1975《Love It If We Made It》[FLAC/MP3]
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