[BD欧美演唱会][理查德·汤普森乐队 凯尔特音乐节现场演出 THE RICHARD THOMPSON BAND.Live At Celtic Connections 2011][BDMV]36G

英文片名:THE RICHARD THOMPSON BAND.Live At Celtic Connections 2011
中文片名:理查德·汤普森乐队 凯尔特音乐节现场演出 2011
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:36 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:DTS-HD MA,Dolby Digital Audio , LPCM
字 幕:没字幕


Filmed in January 2011 at the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow as part of the annual Celtic Connections festival, this superb performance by The Richard Thompson Band marks their first live concert Blu-Ray release for five years. The first half of the show focuses on Thompson’s latest Dream Attic album with the second half given over to songs reaching back as far as his first solo album Henry The Human Fly and up to recent releases such as Sweet Warrior and The Old Kit Bag . Thompson’s distinctive voice and unmistakable guitar style are well to the fore and his band are as good as it gets. This will be a must have purchase for any Richard Thompson fan.


01. The Money Shuffle

02. Among The Gorse, Among The Grey

03. Haul Me Up

04. Burning Man

05. Here Comes Geordie

06. Demons In Her Dancing Shoes

07. Big Sun Falling In The River

08. Stumble On

09. Sidney Wells

10. A Brother Slips Away

11. If Love Whispers Your Name

12. The Angels Took My Racehorse Away

13. Can’t Win

14. One Door Opens

15. Al Bowlly’s In Heaven

16. I’ll Never Give It Up

17. Wall Of Death

18. Tear Stained Letter

19. Take Care The Road You Choose

20. A Man In Need


• Bonus Tracks (1080i; 10:41). Two performances from the 2011 Cambridge Folk Festival are included, both featuring Thompson solo, singing and playing acoustic guitar.

“Uninhabited Man”

“Johnny’s Far Away”.


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][理查德·汤普森乐队 凯尔特音乐节现场演出 THE RICHARD THOMPSON BAND.Live At Celtic Connections 2011][BDMV]36G


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