[BD欧美演唱会][Lady Antebellum 战前女神 – Wheels Up Tour][BDMV]25.2G

影片名称 : Lady Antebellum – Wheels Up Tour 2015
文件体积 : 25.2G
封装格式 : 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 英语 LPCM 2.0


Celebrated country act Lady Antebellum will release a live concert film of its Irvine, California stop on the 2015 Wheels Up Tour. The movie hits digital and retail shelves on November 13 via Eagle Rock Entertainment.
Shot at the Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre on June 27, the performance includes tracks from the band’s most recent album 747, as well as other well-known hits like “American Honey,” “Our Kind Of Love,” “Need You Now,” “I Run To You,” “Bartender,” “Just A Kiss,” “We Owned The Night,” “Dancin’ Away With My Heart,” “Compass,” “Love Don’t Live Here,” and others. The Wheels Up Tour began in Oslo, Norway in February 2015 and continued through Europe, Australia, and North America before culminating in Las Vegas earlier this month. The concert film doubles as a tour doc, including “behind-the-scenes snippets, the band meeting fans, spectacular set design, and intimate moments on the tour.”

Tracklist :

01. Long Stretch Of Love
02. Bartender
03. American Honey
04. Freestyle
05. Our Kinda Love
06. Just A Kiss
07. Compass
08. Where It All Begins
09. Perfect Day
10. Love Don’t Live Here
11. Thinking Out Loud
12. Dancin’ Away With My Heart
13. Hello World
14. I Run To You
15. Downtown
16. Any Man Of Mine
17. Walk This Way
18. Looking For A Good Time
19. 747
20. Need You Now
21. We Owned The Night
22. Landslide


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Lady Antebellum 战前女神 – Wheels Up Tour][BDMV]25.2G


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