[BD欧美演唱会][A-Ha :MTV Unplugged Summer Solstice 2017][BDMV]36.8G

影片名称 : a-ha – MTV Unplugged – Summer Solstice
文件体积 : 36.8G
封装格式 : 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 LPCM 2.0


Description :

A-ha, the multi-platinum selling legendary Norwegian trio, will release a 15 track Acoustic Hits MTV Unplugged album on October 6. This is the first time in the band’s 30 year history that they have recorded an acoustic album. The set list includes a carefully picked selection of trademark hits, tracks not often performed live and two brand new songs, This Is Our Home and A Break In The Clouds. Guests on the album include Alison Moyet, Ian McCulloch, and Lissie. Their Unplugged concert was filmed in Norway, each artist in the series chose a location that held a special meaning to them. a-ha’s MTV Unplugged album will enhance the bands credibility, they are one of a select few artists that have been chosen to appear in the series alongside acts such as Shawn Mendes.

Tracklist :

01: This Is Our Home
02: Lifelines
03: I’ve Been Losing You – feat. Lissie
04: Analogue (All I Want)
05: The Sun Always Shines on TV – feat. Ingrid Helene Håvik
06: A Break In The Clouds
07: Foot Of The Mountain
08: Stay On These Roads
09: This Alone Is Love
10: Over The Treetops
11: Forever Not Yours
12: Sox Of The Fox
13: Scoundrel Days – feat . Ian McCulloch
14: The Killing Moon – feat. Ian McCulloch
15: Summer Moved On – feat. Alison Moyet
16: Memorial Beach
17: Living A Boy’s Adventure Tale
18: Manhattan Skyline
19: The Living Daylights
20: Hunting High And Low
21: Take On Me


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][A-Ha :MTV Unplugged Summer Solstice 2017][BDMV]36.8G


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